2104415027 6 Dimokratias Avenue, Perama paraponiarisbross@yahoo.com
Paraponiaris Bros E.E.
Ship Repairs - Ship Painting - Ship Cleaning - Perama Attica

Our company in Perama deals with painting and ship repairs. We have been in the field for years and we are one of the most dynamic companies in the repair zone of Perama. The specialized staff, the excellent materials we use in our work, and the consistency in our deliveries are the greatest satisfaction for our customers.

Our company Paraponiaris Bros undertakes: Ship painting, general ship cleaning, water blasting, tanking, sandblasting, painting work, ship maintenance, cleaning, reef painting, anti-osmotic work, exterior-interior varnishes, polishing, stucco applications, local painting.



Ship Colors

Ship Colors

Ship painting, painting work, reef painting, exterior-interior varnishing, polishing, stucco applications, local painting.

General Ship Cleaning
Ship Maintenance